Select Page

DEBUG: set debugmode active via shortcode, level: 10
DEBUG: Plugin-Licence here is active for
DEBUG: version of plugin: 3.8.2
DEBUG: selected parser: twig351adj
DEBUG: ID of the creating page is 27395
DEBUG: mode: create
DEBUG: createoptions: {"type":"etherproduct", "loop":"", "title":"this is the title {{id}}", "slugname":"slugname{{id}}", "deleteold":"yes"}
DEBUG: createoptions in shortcode: JSON ok!
DEBUG: active method: get
DEBUG: dynamic url NOT allowed, therefore ignore pathparam / fileext. Switch on: See plugin-options
DEBUG: curloptions really used:
DEBUG: Caching-Foldercheck: Cachefolders ok and available
DEBUG: use this cachefile: /home/brainwai/
DEBUG: Caching is NOT enabled
DEBUG: postbody IGNORED, this is used only if WP-POST is selected as method:
DEBUG: Add OAuth-Key from plugin-options to header: Authorization=Bearer X-Api-KeyString: Px28ZfjCsql9rolo/70msRCjRi5ic2yBpD1CJgcXhEU=
GET-Header sent to API: (DEBUG: (timeout: 5) (followlocation: 1) (sslverify: ) (headers: (Authorization: Bearer X-Api-KeyString: Px28ZfjCsql9rolo/70msRCjRi5ic2yBpD1CJgcXhEU=) ) )
Fetching URL failed: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: